Eco Friendly Household Cleaner Recipes

windshield wiper fluid -vinegar, water and a splash of rubbing alcohol. Metal Cleane r Brass -ketchup for polishing. Silver -baking soda, water, salt and aluminum foil makes a cleansing bath for silver products. Copper -rub item lightly with fine table salt dampened with vinegar and lemon juice. Chrome -rubbing alcohol & hot water OR ammonia & hot water OR white flour on a damp towel. Carpet stain remover -club soda & salt OR 1:3 part mixture of vinegar and water. Pour either mixture onto the stains-let sit for 5 minutes and dab dry. Wooden furniture - 1 gallon water, 2 cap fulls of baby oil and 1/2 cup of vinegar. Air Fresheners- Simmer: cinnamon sticks, orange peel, cloves and water for a wonderful natural scent throughout your house. To absorb odors-use baking soda in small bowl or dish and place in your refridgerator, bathroom, garbage can, anywhere there is a tendency to capture odors. Garbage disposal f...