GLOBAL WARMING - Does It Really Exist??

I suppose there isn't a person on our planet that hasn't either voiced his or her opinion or thought about this question and its validity over the past decade..."Does Global Warming Really Exist"? According to Merriam Webster, the definition of global warming is.. " an increase in the earth's atmospheric and oceanic temperatures widely predicted to occur due to an increase in the greenhouse effect resulting especially from pollution" . The answer to the question, "Does Global Warming Really Exist" should be simple, Shouldn't It? Every time I turn on the tv, radio, podcast or video, the topic of global warming and how its believed to be "a fabrication by tree huggers" by many - is being relayed to the listeners/viewers and causing false unreliable information. Global warming doesn't exist? Step outside, watch/study a reliable weather resource or just stay in touch with the global news and it should be qu...