Emersons' Nature

Ralph Waldo Emerson is a clever writer forcing his readers to be deep thinkers and readers. When studying Emersons ‘Nature’, the reader is forced to decipher and interpret step by step many of his statements and questions. This leads the reader into a depth that isnt normally met with routine standard textbook or novel reading. His work has great depth and complexity. Emerson does a lot of question asking and list making, similar to Walt Whitmans works. In this quote listed below, is from Emersons' 'Nature' part VI titled 'Idealism';
“ The relations of parts and the end of the whole remaining the same, what is the difference, whether land and sea interact, and worlds revolve and intermingle without number or end, -deep yawning under deep, and galaxy balancing galaxy, throughout absolute space, -or whether, without relations of time and space, the same appearances are inscribed in the constant faith of man?”

The next quote is from Emersons' 'Nature' part V titled 'Discipline';
“ We are associated in adolescent and adult life with some friends, who, like skies and waters, are coextensive with our idea; who, answering each to a certain affection of the soul , satisfy our desire on that side; whom we lack power to put at such focal distance from us, that we can mend or even analyze them.

'Nature' repeatedly contains statements of deep complexity in which often times the reader cannot decipher.


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