Seattle Lights

I want to apologize for my delay in posting anything.  I just returned back from taking my oldest daughter to the College of Charleston for orientation and have been tied up for several days.  I will be back to my normal posting within a day or so.  For now, I thought some of these attached facts were interesting:  

  • Making recycled paper uses 30 percent to 55 percent less energy than making paper from trees.
  • If you recycle a foot-tall stack of newspapers, you save enough energy to take a hot shower every day for a week. And considerable energy is saved by not trucking garbage to distant landfills.
  • Other benefits of recycling: 95 percent less air pollution and one tree saved for every 150 pounds of paper you recycle.
  • Americans already recycle 24 millions tons of paper a year, 29 percent of the paper we use. But there's room to improve. More than 50 million tons worth of room, in fact.
  • For every household that recycles its daily newspaper, five trees are spared every year.
  • Recycled glass uses only two-thirds the energy needed to manufacture glass from raw materials.
  • For every soft-drink bottle you recycle, you save enough energy to run a television set for an hour and a half.
  • Refillable bottles don't need to be melted down before they're reused so they save four times as much energy, according to a study for the Commission of European Communities.
  • Only 27 percent of the glass used in the United States is recycled, and there's no reason it can't be higher.
  • It takes enormous amounts of electricity to refine aluminum from its ore. That's why most aluminum plants are built in areas with cheaper electricity, such as the Pacific Northwest.
  • Recycling aluminum requires only a tenth as much electricity as making the same aluminum from bauxite ore.
  • Discarding an aluminum can wastes as much energy as if you filled the can half full of gasoline and poured it on the ground.
  • It takes barely as much energy as there is in a tablespoon of gasoline to recycle that can.
  • Recycle. Set up an area to save newspapers, glass and aluminum.
  • Separate them from your garbage. Ask your local recycler whether to sort the colored and clear glass separately.
  • Recycle the paper, aluminum and glass however it's accomplished in your area: at supermarkets, by curbside pickup, at recycling centers.
  • Organize a fund-raising drive to collect recyclables and donate the proceeds toward your favorite charity. Or, if there isn't a recycling program in your community, set one up.
  • Given a choice, buy recycled products instead of those made of virgin materials.
  • Urge your local newspaper to print on recycled paper.
  • Re-use grocery paper or plastic bags, or turn them in for cash.
  • Seattle Public Utilities,             206-684-3000      . For recycling and composting information, and curbside signups.
  • Paper Recycling Committee, American Paper Institute, 260 Madison Ave., New York, NY 10016.             212-340-0600      . Free pamphlets on recycling paper.
  • Glass Packaging Institute, 1801 K St. N.W., Washington, D.C. 20006.             202-887-4850      . Free pamphlets about glass recycling.
  • Environmental Defense Fund, 1616 P St. N.W., Washington, D.C. 20036. Its book, Coming Full Circle, offers a good approach to setting up a recycling program, with many inspiring examples.


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