SICK OF PAYING HIGH POWER BILLS ? Here are some resources on ways to save money within your household. Rebates, Programs, Free Solar, Government Programs, etc..
Were you aware that there are numerous government programs that will help pay or pay fully for you to implement appliances or solar into your home?
I've been researching this topic over the past few weeks because I'm so sick of paying $250/month just for lights. Forget about summer time, my power bill is out of control with the A/C. Here is some information I found, please read all the way through as the final resource on this list is endless in its capacity.
1. Click the link below to bring you to a huge list of approximately 2,500 links. This list will contain varying programs whereby you can then filter out your specific interests and search further. Click the blue key towards the top to the right titled " Apply Filter" and customize your search for your state and interest. You can narrow down your search by inputting more specific programs or venues you are interested in. For example at the time of writing this, my state of NJ turned up with 7 separate programs to research.
2. This one is great if you are replacing appliances or updating lighting or other home improvements that use electric.
Click this link below and look over to the right to input your zip code for programs/rebates that are available to you. This will provide you with a list of various tax credits, rebates and other forms of savings you can take advantage of that will lead to more monthly savings by implementing energy saving devices in your home.
For example; when I input my zip code i get a return of 34 options ranging from $100 rebates on purchasing energy star dryers, ovens, freezers to getting $50 rebate for recycling my old freezer to getting free LED light bulbs. The responses will provide you a link to the website that will give you more information than you need to achieve the savings task.
3. Click the link below for Energy Star Federal Income TAX credits. These tax credits are for future 2016 purchases as well as purchases made in 2015. This one is worth checking into if you are buying or have bought appliances recently or if you are implementing solar panels in your home.
Visit the FAQ page first as its layed out very specific for each item you might be interested in, here is that link;
**Here is the Solar panel specific tax credit link below;
**Additionally, Solar Water heaters specific tax credit, here is that link;
Need Government Assistance for Anything?? Keep Reading!!
4. I stumbled on this site. This is a government program collaboration analysis site. This site analyzes you and your current situation and provides you with a list of programs you might be eligible for.
I'm referring to things such as healthcare, counseling services, disaster relief, child care assistance, energy conservation assistance, grants assistance, housing assistance, tax assistance, disability assistance..i could go on and on as the list was endless and things I never thought about. Oh, also this site has a link to check for hidden money you might have available (old savings account from the first grade type stuff).
Once you click the link, there is a pretty extensive questionnaire but if you don't answer these honestly, you won't get accurate results. After the questionnaire, the site provides you with a list of all the government programs you could be eligible for based on those answers you provided and with guidance on how to apply for said programs. I completed the questionnaire for the sake of this blog post and it took me about 15 minutes to complete and I learned that I am eligible for 27 separate assistance type programs. Allow yourself an hour at least on your first visit to this site and i would definitely bookmark this one as you never know when you might need Uncle Sam. Click the link below to check what you might be eligible for:
Credits - local and federal government information collab of info.
I've been researching this topic over the past few weeks because I'm so sick of paying $250/month just for lights. Forget about summer time, my power bill is out of control with the A/C. Here is some information I found, please read all the way through as the final resource on this list is endless in its capacity.
1. Click the link below to bring you to a huge list of approximately 2,500 links. This list will contain varying programs whereby you can then filter out your specific interests and search further. Click the blue key towards the top to the right titled " Apply Filter" and customize your search for your state and interest. You can narrow down your search by inputting more specific programs or venues you are interested in. For example at the time of writing this, my state of NJ turned up with 7 separate programs to research.
2. This one is great if you are replacing appliances or updating lighting or other home improvements that use electric.
Click this link below and look over to the right to input your zip code for programs/rebates that are available to you. This will provide you with a list of various tax credits, rebates and other forms of savings you can take advantage of that will lead to more monthly savings by implementing energy saving devices in your home.
For example; when I input my zip code i get a return of 34 options ranging from $100 rebates on purchasing energy star dryers, ovens, freezers to getting $50 rebate for recycling my old freezer to getting free LED light bulbs. The responses will provide you a link to the website that will give you more information than you need to achieve the savings task.
3. Click the link below for Energy Star Federal Income TAX credits. These tax credits are for future 2016 purchases as well as purchases made in 2015. This one is worth checking into if you are buying or have bought appliances recently or if you are implementing solar panels in your home.
Visit the FAQ page first as its layed out very specific for each item you might be interested in, here is that link;
**Here is the Solar panel specific tax credit link below;
**Additionally, Solar Water heaters specific tax credit, here is that link;

Need Government Assistance for Anything?? Keep Reading!!
4. I stumbled on this site. This is a government program collaboration analysis site. This site analyzes you and your current situation and provides you with a list of programs you might be eligible for.
I'm referring to things such as healthcare, counseling services, disaster relief, child care assistance, energy conservation assistance, grants assistance, housing assistance, tax assistance, disability assistance..i could go on and on as the list was endless and things I never thought about. Oh, also this site has a link to check for hidden money you might have available (old savings account from the first grade type stuff).
Once you click the link, there is a pretty extensive questionnaire but if you don't answer these honestly, you won't get accurate results. After the questionnaire, the site provides you with a list of all the government programs you could be eligible for based on those answers you provided and with guidance on how to apply for said programs. I completed the questionnaire for the sake of this blog post and it took me about 15 minutes to complete and I learned that I am eligible for 27 separate assistance type programs. Allow yourself an hour at least on your first visit to this site and i would definitely bookmark this one as you never know when you might need Uncle Sam. Click the link below to check what you might be eligible for:
Credits - local and federal government information collab of info.
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